Fabulous Garden of Eden Grape E ( 2/3 )

Completing the 2nd part of the story on the fabulous wrinkle remover - Garden of Eden Grape E , the grape seed oil is also the key to the natural defense system for our epidermis. Our skin has 3 different layers, the epidermis (outermost layer), the dermis (the middle supporting layer) and finally the subcutaneous layer (inner most layer).

Dermis layer is the thickest among the 3 layers The essential fatty acids (EFAs) present in the Garden of Eden grape seed oil, in combination with the antioxidants can improve the levels of elastin and collagen making the skin supple and firm apart from removing wrinkles.
" The flavonoids which are present in the grape seed extract in the Garden of Eden Grape E help to preserve the Vitamin C which acts as a fastening agent to the useful elastin and collagen "
Not only that, the amount of natural vitamin E in Garden of Eden Grape E has been generously increased to 3000 iu as to boost the antioxidant effect, stimulate cellular renewal and reversing the ravages of time. Let us pause for a moment and leave the excruciating details on Garden of Eden Grape E. The facts on the building blocks of collagen and elastin shouldn’t entirely left behind the scenes. You may have heard of collagen or elastin somewhere by whisper but haven’t got a strong clue on the exact meaning. What are they actually? Collagen and elastin are protein found naturally in our own body and in fact, our skin is largely made up by them. Damage to the skin's collagen and elastin will erode its effectiveness in removing wrinkles and cause the skin to lose its suppleness and elasticity.

The flavonoids which are present in the grape seed extract in the Garden of Eden Grape E help to preserve the Vitamin C which acts as a fastening agent to the useful elastin and collagen.

Did You Know? IU is abbreviated from ‘International Units’ used for measurement of vitamins or drugs on its potency, not on the weight or mass.

Fabulous Garden of Eden Grape E ( 1/3 )

The Garden of Eden Grape E is another flagship wrinkle remover product by GOE ( Garden Of Eden ). Garden Of Eden actually has 8 products altogether, specializing in the botanical ingredients for the skincare. Today, grape seed oil which is obtained from the crushed grape seed is widely used in skincare products to improve our skin naturally.

The grape seed itself has a high concentration of OPC in the form of bioflavonoids which are very rich antioxidants. This antioxidants can neutralize the damaging effects from the free radicals on skin tissues, elastin, blood vessels, collagen as well as the platelet and eventually preserving the goodness of skin and effective in removing wrinkles.
" This Garden of Eden Grape E is formulated with 100% botanical concentrates as well as all other Garden Of Eden's products "
This Garden of Eden Grape E is formulated with 100% botanical concentrates as well as all other Garden Of Eden's products. Another good thing is that all other Garden Of Eden's products also share the same common ingredients, which are the natural vitamin E and grape seed oil, which considered by Garden Of Eden to be vital for skin preservation. The grape seed oil which play an important role as wrinkle remover has 50X more antioxidant effects compared with the natural vitamin E. The grape seed oil, being the main ingredient for Garden of Eden Grape E, contains 70% of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, which is a vital moisturizing agent for excellent cell growth. This essential fatty acids can also boost the level of elastin and collagen production, making the skin supple, firm and effective in removing the face wrinkles.

It is widely believed that the Garden Of Eden Grape E can offer better value compared to most other cream formulations since they are botanical ingredients and it contains less water and higher concentration of active ingredients.

Did You Know? Don’t forget that the Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that preserve the skin from photo ageing, and a contributor to healthy cell structure and cell tissue.

Choosing Right Moisturizer ( 2 )

Choosing the right moisturizer will definitely have impact on your skin as different skin works at differently levels. Choosing the right moisturizer is like choosing the right solutions to removing wrinkles on face, as they are very closely related to each other.

We, in fact demand a lot from moisturizer as they are expected to carry out the job of removing wrinkles and fine lines and to lesser extend the
" Moisturizers that can easily glides / slides off your skin and stick on the pillow overnight are the one that need to be avoided. To me, it is a sign of cheap or mediocre formulation. "
skin dryness. Due to the enormous range of moisturizers that are finding their places on the shelves, it becomes tricky when coming to select the correct one for your needs. There is actually a simple test where you can test the absorption power of the moisturizer. Simple, just massage a few drops on the back of your hand and leave for 1-2 minutes. If it remains sticky or greasy, the formulation is too thick for your type of skin. On the other hand, if it evaporated completely and you are feeling dry and tight, it means the formulation is too light and thin. Here are the very basic selection criteria for the moisturizers for effective wrinkles removers: 1) Water based – more suitable for oily and pimples / acne prone skin 2) Oil based – for sensitive, dry and mature skin. There are actually 3 basic moisturizing elements and each of them will perform slightly different job from one another when comes to skin care:

• Humectants- attract water from dermis to the epidermis, and ‘outside in’ moisture lost prevention
• Occlusives – prevent evaporation of moisture from skin’s surfaces
• Emollients – introduce lubricants on skin surface by filling skin flakes as to make texture soft and smooth

Generally, it is expected that the moisturizer that we purchase be able to absorb into skin ’instantly’ and make our skin feel moist, supple and comfortable. Moisturizers that can easily glides / slides off your skin and stick on the pillow overnight are the one that need to be avoided. To me, it is a sign of cheap or mediocre formulation.

Did You Know? For oily skin typically, moisturisers do not work well on their own. You need to team them up with other products from the entire range to control the shine, smoothness and softness.


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