Now, let us see how exactly this highly acclaimed Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Corrector Serum can offer solutions for removing face wrinkles and how this ‘laser in a bottle’ be a near substitute for the fractional laser method which is currently considered as a gold standard in cosmetology?
" This powerful wrinkle remover serum is specifically crafted to perform for 3 remarkable tasks of: 1) photo damage repairing 2) protection against free radical 3) boosting collagen formation "free radical 3) boosting collagen formation. For the photo damage repairing, the serum consists the 3 special enzymes delivered in a liposome system. • Ultrasomes enzyme – an extract from marine microbe for speeding up skin recovery process especially at night. • Photosomes enzyme – an extract from plankton A. Nidulans, absorbing the visible light and reversing UV damage. Perform well during day time and work similarly to plant photosynthesis process. • Roxisomes enzyme – an extract from mustard plant ( Arabidopsis Thaliana ). Protect skin from free radicals and repair what antioxidants lack of.
For the boosting of collagen formation, the serum is equipped with polypeptide complex comprising Acetyl Hexapeptide 8, Vitamin A and Whey protein for the boosting work. This Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Corrector Serum can also be used for removing wrinkles / fine lines at under eyes delicate area. For the last part on providing protection against free radicals, the serum has the Vitamins C and E, Ellagic acid from pomegranate juice extract and the Ergothioneine, extracted from oyster mushrooms.

- Image Right - Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Wrinkle and Photo Damage Corrector Serum
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